Save money and save the planet. The best part? It pays for itself!

The Energy Information Agency (EIA) estimates an average heating oil cost of $2,354 from October to March. With our tech you can cut that cost in half.
With our services you can save up to $1000-$1500 every year (that’s like an extra pay check; just saying). Our services are $600 the first year, then $250 each year after. This nets you up to $400-$900 straight into your pocket!

Our payment structure

$99 Initial Inspection

After inspection of your furnace and approval.
We’ll prove to you it works!

$500 single payment

A one-time payment after a month of savings,
covering the installation of the OEE system.

$250 after the first year

A yearly tuning and safety inspection that covers the leasing of our device, payed entirely by your oil cost savings.

Yes, it’s that good.

Read on for more details.

We retrofit your system for maximum fuel efficiency. The system is $599, Initially we test, inspect and approve your furnace and you pay $99. That then is credited back to you when you join the Oil Savings Club. After a month of operation and savings, we collect a single payment of $500 for the leasing of the device. You only pay $250 per year for continued leasing and servicing. The system should save you an average heating oil and electricity cost of about $1000-$1500, all to your benefit.
Not only does it help to save the environment but it pays for itself!


Heating oil costs

Oil forecast for winter 2022-2023
Savings with us Up to
Your oil heating cost
Gas forecast for winter 2022-2023

Not only are oil prices forecasted to fall over the next two years, but with our heating system you can lower your cost by up to 50%. Avoid having costly conversion and infrastructure costs associated with gas heating. Data from

In 2012, the residential sector accounted for 21% of total primary energy consumption and about 20% of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States.
Learn about CT Tax Credits and Incentives for Alternative Energy.